~Don't know how to walk want run. Aiyoyo!~
~1% genius 99% hardwork~
~You lose when you quit~
~Quality is more value then quatity~
~If you stop,you will rot~
~It takes two hand to clap.But only one to slap^^~
~God will only help people that help themselves~
~You are given anything you want,but it is up to you to take~
~To be able to give is a blessing~
~It is all in the mind~
~Learning is like cycling up slope.Don't move up, you move back~
~As one you achieve,but as many you achieve much more~
~What's yours will always be yours, what not will never be~
~To do and say is a totally different thing~

Saturday, January 1, 2011


My very first post of the year,will start writing some crap here once again.The reason why i picked up blogging again is her.She seems to like me to be blogging(about her i guess?),and so for her sake,i shall do so.<3 My very first post of the year seems awkard! Happy New Year Everyone! No idea what to write=X BYE!